Tag: rogue one: a star wars story

All your Star Wars in One Giant MOC

This is dedication and creativity combined to form an excellent build. Brian Ng, a member of LOMLUG, built a giant 3 tiered MOC representing...

LEGO Rogue One sets photos released

LEGO news seems to be all about Star Wars and Rogue One these days, so this story will continue that trend.Today, Entertainment Weekly, The...

Life-sized Rogue One Death Trooper from Comic-Con

One day I need to get to San Diego for Comic Con, but in the meantime, we can all be thankful for internet reports...

Rogue One Buildable Figures Revealed

Another early unofficial reveal today, this time for the Rogue One: A Star Wars Story Buildable Figures we heard about earlier this year.As more information...

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story LEGO Minifigure image

This morning The LEGO Group posted on Facebook a render of LEGO figures standing in the same poses and set as the Rogue One...

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story product packaging announced

I held off on this a couple of days so as not to just post one Star Wars story after another, but here we...

Rogue One and the upcoming LEGO sets – What will we...

Like a lot of Star Wars fans, I was excited yesterday to see that the first Rogue One: A Star Wars Story trailer was...

LEGO Star Wars: Rogue One Set Prices and Piece Counts leaked

LEGO news has been short of late, but as we continue to look forward, there's some good things coming over the horizon.The partnership between...

New LEGO Star Wars set details posted online

Over on Flickr, Galaad has posted a bunch of images from what appears to be a pre-press LEGO catalog of some kind. The full...

2016 LEGO Star Wars sets revealed

Facebook user "LEGO Star Wars Addict" has posted a couple of photos of the new LEGO Star Wars sets to their account. One of...