I’ve found my new jam, people.

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I have fairly specific preferences when it comes to LEGO. Mostly, I like the real-world stuff; the LEGO Architecture series has always been a favourite, as well as most of the vehicles- the Mini, the Ferrari, the VW Bus, etc. Recently it had seemed like I’d caught up on all of the LEGO releases that appealed to me, and that I’d be stuck on a building dry spell for a while.

However, Jeff put me onto Chris McVeigh’s website, chrismcveigh.com. I’ve found a few new builds there that have not only kept me entertained, but also resulted in what I’m seriously referring to beautiful objects, both in terms of their design and the process in which they’re built.

Before I even get to the LEGO, it has to be said that the packaging for your order will be impressive. My order arrived in a solid, high-quality, heavy gauge cardboard box with my order slip attached to the inside of the lid. I’d spent 12.50 US for the express shipping, and it’d arrived within 3 business days. The three very professionally packaged kits each had a beautifully printed label as well as a card with contact information, the link to see the building directions, and even a quick heads-up that there would probably be a few extra parts to err on the side of caution. I’m a huge fan of great customer service, and when I buy anything, the quality of the packaging will always speak volumes to me about the product I just spent my money on. TL,DR: I was impressed before I even got started on the builds.


The first kit of the three I’d ordered was the My First Radio 70’s Edition (58.50 USD, 256 parts). 

It was immediately obvious that a great deal of thought went into the design of this kit. For example, the same kind of treads that were used for Wall-E were used, albeit much tinier, for the turnable dial and needle indicator. The handle swivels are solid but move freely, and the antenna even has the same range and freedom of movement as a real antenna.

The end result is a well-thought-out, solidly put-together and incredibly realistic design. The 1970’s charm really shows in the quasi-checkerboard design on the front as well as the stagger-tile sides. Also, it bears mentioning again that the dial really turns the needle! How cool is that?!

IMG_9954All in all, I’d say this was pretty much a perfect LEGO experience. Great shipping costs, excellent packaging, great design and beautiful end result.

My only complaint are that Chris McVeigh doesn’t have more products for sale, and some of his cooler stuff is out of stock, or discontinued because LEGO doesn’t make those parts anymore. A message to Mr. McVeigh: Please, make more stuff. I’ll be first in line.


Stay tuned for follow-up reviews of the other kits in my order.

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