Micro Review: 30275: TIE Advanced Prototype

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30275: TIE Advanced PrototypeI found a few of these polybag sets at a Toys R Us here and picked up 2. I should have grabbed them all at $3.98 each, but didn’t. I’d built the full 75082: TIE Advanced Prototype a few weeks ago and thought this would be a fun complement to that.

The polybag is 47 pieces so from a price standpoint it’s great. It also takes about 5 minutes or so to build and thus isn’t a huge investment in time either. The main body is about 8 studs across in total and even at this scale picks up some nice details from both the main set and the original version. The original being from the Star Wars: Rebels shows, not the movies.

As is important to this spaceship, all 4 wings are fully adjustable for both space flight, atmosphere and docked modes. It’s got a transparent piece on the front of the cockpit and the ion engine at the back.

There’s not a lot to these polybag sets, but I think using a squadron of these along with a couple of the [easyazon_link identifier=”B00NHQI286″ locale=”US” tag=”brickbrains-20″]75082 models[/easyazon_link] in a an epic photo shoot would look pretty cool! There’s really no special parts in it, unless you need some more grey plates. I give it a reasonably high “playability” score because it’s extremely “swooshable” even for smaller hands.

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