LEGO Idea Project: Star Wars UCS X34 Landspeeder

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ideas usc x34 landspeederOne of the top contenders to hit the 10,000 supporters for LEGO to consider a LEGO Ideas projects is this one by Psyence-. LEGO Star Wars is a huge property right now and the UCS models are generally pretty well received.

Psyence- reports this Star Wars X34 Landspeeder as 22.5 inches long, 15.5 inches wide and 14.5 inches high including the stand, which puts it into size bigger than the [easyazon_link identifier=”B00NHQHX8G” locale=”US” tag=”brickbrains-20″]Slave 1[/easyazon_link] model or the [easyazon_link identifier=”B00J4S962W” locale=”US” tag=”brickbrains-20″]Imperial Star Destroyer[/easyazon_link]. It also uses 2798 pieces including the stand. I know a lot of people would love to build a model this size, I would, but it might be a big much for some people.

Remember to pop over to the site once in a while to support some of the awesome models being proposed over there.


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