All your Star Wars in One Giant MOC

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34011475084 f342fc1318 kThis is dedication and creativity combined to form an excellent build. Brian Ng, a member of LOMLUG, built a giant 3 tiered MOC representing all 7 movies at the time.

As you scroll through the gallery, you can easily recognize the scenes and elements that Brian chose to represent each movie. His use of just the right bits to create each vignette is right on point from the battle on Mustafar, to the pod-racing, to Luke training on Dagobah and even Han and Chewie blasting their way off Tatooine. Each movie is well represented and the giant MOC is topped by Rogue One, the newest movie at the time.

I’d be interested to see if Brian will add to this as we get more movies in the series, just as Star Wars: The Last Jedi due this Christmas season.

I love Star Wars

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