UPDATE: Panama Canal LEGO Education Set Now More Available

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We received an update this week from Juan at PanamaSTEM.com regarding the popular LEGO Education set featuring the Panama Canal. Last year we featured some news about the set being available as a Panama exclusive (ie: Only in Panama), but the program has now expanded to feature worldwide availability and shipping by DHL.

Of special interest to Educators, the set features a realistic recreation of the famous canal and “[t]he set simulates a functional model of the Panama Canal and its Third Set of Locks” and contains quite a bit of functionality, education material and almost 1200 LEGO pieces.

The price may seem expensive at $249 but this isn’t just any LEGO set. It’s designed to be interactive and educational, and is meant to help teach not only some engineering principles, but allow further discussion of Panama, it’s industry and culture overall. For an educator, this set would provide teaching opportunities in multiple types of classes and for several years.

Production is limited on this set, so if you’re interested, you should definitely order quickly.

The price of $249 is currently much cheaper than most eBay or BrickLink options, plus supporting a STEM program is definitely better than just giving more money to some random seller.

The video below from BrickTsar gives you a better look at the set in detail.

Consider supporting Brick Brains by purchasing your LEGO from LEGO.com using our affiliate links.
We get a small percentage of the purchase total and it doesn’t change the price you pay.
